A Fishy Story

The call from the garden center came in early August. They had a problem with something but they weren't sure what it was. They told us that for about a week, their fish food, bulbs and other things were being eaten each night. They were greeted every morning with the shop a mess and stuff strewn everywhere. The morning of the call to us, when they opened up, they found that all their live fish, gold fish and Koi, were gone. Well, almost all gone, the heads were still there.

With that kind of damage it wasn't hard to guess that a raccoon had moved in. We agreed to set up a live trap. We caught him the very first night. He was a huge, sliver male. One of the most beautiful raccoons we have ever seen.

We noticed some cuts on both of his front paws and took him to Dr. Markee Kuschel, of Deer Creek Animal Hospital, to check him out for us. She gave him a thorough examination. Considering his size, he was quite manageable. She recommended holding him for a short while and administering antibiotics to make sure that no infection set in. Dr. Kuschel and Deer Creek were wonderful. She donated the antibiotic as well as her services to help the animal.

We have dealt with Deer Creek on many occasions. It is an excellent veterinary clinic. They are very efficient and love animals, demonstrated by their generosity towards the wild guys. We would recommend anyone who lives in the Littleton area to take their pets to them. They can be reached at (303) 973-4200.

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