Pombo the Bat

Trina, from the Colorado Division of Wildlife, called us late in October. She had just received a call from a gentleman about a bat hanging outside of the building where he worked. She wanted to check with us as to what could be done to help the man and the bat.

We assured her that we could help both. She gave us all the necessary information and we thanked her for her concerned call.

When we contacted Kevin Blood-Smith at Norwest Communications, he explained that a bat had been roosting on the outside wall of his building. The bat was about 8 ft. above the ground. From his description, it sounded like a Silverhair Bat. He explained that his manager, Mr. Pombo, had first noticed the bat a few days before. Many in the office were looking for a way to kill it. One fellow was going to get his BB gun out of his truck and shoot it. Kevin was not going to let that happen but was afraid that if we didn't take possession of the animal right away, he may lose the battle. We took down the directions and left immediately.

Kevin also explained that he had named the bat, Pombo, after his boss. He had also started, "Save Pombo the Bat fund", in order to make sure UWR received a donation for its effort.

What a wonderful, compassionate man, with a great sense of humor and humane attitude. He had been ready to do battle for this little animal that was simply roosting in the wrong place. We could stand a few more million people just like him.

Pombo is one of the smartest, most docile bats we have offered haven to. He ate all of the bugs out of his dish right away and never threatened to bite us. He will be released in the spring in the same area where we found him and, hopefully, he will find a friendlier place to sleep.

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